These whores, if they need it, they'll suck the first guy they see. The taste of sperm acts like an aphrodisiac on them. And the guy is quite modest, so the hitching of these bitches could not resist. When these two cuties call for a car and promise a free ride, refusing would look like weakness. Like he's afraid of chicks. How could he resist? Well, milking him for a hose is a matter of technique. Sure, the guy cheated on his girlfriend, but she doesn't have to know that.
John| 35 days ago
A guy let his girlfriend go to a rich mister. The black daddy offered her $20,000 to serve his whims for a month. What normal girl would refuse that? Any husband would send her to earn money - let her work her holes. After all, she's a chick.
Tits are really ugly...
Why did he come inside?
These whores, if they need it, they'll suck the first guy they see. The taste of sperm acts like an aphrodisiac on them. And the guy is quite modest, so the hitching of these bitches could not resist. When these two cuties call for a car and promise a free ride, refusing would look like weakness. Like he's afraid of chicks. How could he resist? Well, milking him for a hose is a matter of technique. Sure, the guy cheated on his girlfriend, but she doesn't have to know that.
A guy let his girlfriend go to a rich mister. The black daddy offered her $20,000 to serve his whims for a month. What normal girl would refuse that? Any husband would send her to earn money - let her work her holes. After all, she's a chick.
What an amazing fuck. I want to do that.
I want one so bad.
Cum before it started, good video.